BASICS Most of the action takes place on the game card (pictured below):   Knockoffaly distribution game board Most of the commands are accessed from the Knockoffaly menu (described below), but there are a few interesting things that happen as a result of clicking various graphics on the screen itself: • Clicking the either of the dice graphics rolls for the next player. • Clicking any playing square displays information about that square • Clicking any player’s name causes that player’s token to flash (in case you have forgotten which token you are. • Clicking the small menu icon   toggles the menu off and on. This is primarily useful for compact Macs. If you have one of these, learn the keyboard equivalents, and keep the menu hidden unless you want to do one of the things that doesn’t have a keyboard equivalent. INFO SHEETS Pictured below are two representative information sheets. These pop up when you click on a property square, or when someone lands on the square. The exact meaning of the data on each type of sheet is explained.   The appraised, minimum, and mortgaged values for all properties appear under their respective headings as shown. Appraised value is the initial asking price. The minimum is the least amount the bank will accept in an auction. The mortgaged value is the appraised value minus the amount the bank will loan the owner on the property. The bottom two lines on each property display the name of the group it belongs to and the type of property it is. There are currently four types of properties: Colors, Farms, Transports, and Utilities. On a color property, the row of numbers under the title: Rent with improvements displays the amount a player pays the owner when he or shee lands there. If the owner owns the monopoly but has no improvements, then the “zero” amount from that line is doubled. A farm property is similar, but the heading is: Rent / Bank pays for crops. A player landing on a farm always pays the owner the “zero” amount (doubled if appropriate). The other numbers display the amount the bank pays the owner for his crops if the owner lands on his own farm. When you buy a property, your player number is placed in one corner of its game square. When you mortgage a property, it changes color to remind you that it is mortgaged. In black and white, mortgaged squares turn black, and any tokens landing on them invert. In color, mortgaged squares (except for their color bar) turn grey.   Whenever a situation arises where a player declines to purchase a property that is offered to him, the status of auctions is checked. If auctions are disabled, nothing further happens. If auctions are enabled (default) an auction will be automatically triggered when a property is declined. If no one can afford the minimum value for property, the auction immediately aborts itself. If no one wants the property and no one has yet bid, the auction may be cancelled by clicking the Abort Auction button. If a player wishes to bid, he clicks his name. An alternative way to bid is to click the number on the numeric keypad corresponding to your player number. This will hopefully alleviate fights over control of the mouse. Do NOT just bang on your key. Push and hold it.  All auctions automatically start at the minimum value. In a bankruptcy situation, if no one cares to buy a property, ownership of it reverts to the bank. BALLOON HELP There is very limited balloon help in Knockoffaly. Balloons are kind of slow in Hypercard, so we limited it to the desperate situation where you are playing on a greyscale Mac and you can’t tell what colors the color bars are. Turning on balloon help from your system 7.0 balloon menu and running the mouse over them SLOWLY will cause the name of the color to display in the balloons.